
punks on transit, fuzzy syrup song
a song he sometimes sings
modern-day habits blues
rides on everything
bruise is lifelong
it's tiring


floating in sky
country looks tiny
somewhere there you are
grounded in the riff raff
looking upwards
feeling far.
fake poet wins millions
writes about steel and dull objects
plastic spoons and soiled underwear
with no message
dies happy.
suck my thumb
warm pink button
your wrinkly mouth wet inside, cavernous
your dangerous jawline harms me nothing
you lick my lobes, i quiver
and laugh at ending.
nowhere you sit
far away - girl is talking
nails a bright pink
voice so annoying
her laughter is portuguese
outfit i'd never wear
to have you undress
feeling flaccid in my mean thoughts.
elastic child sits picking at self
coccoon-like, it's ugly
magnificent shape becomes him.
the airport lounge is filled
girl with large food and fat lining
too much laptop, diet coke
big machines outside
well-thought inventions
happy world.
no sad bigger than big happy
no happy smaller than little sad
all the same something in the
big nothing.
you mock my self
say duh.
i am just the company you keep.
in small closets
i unzip you
your shoes match you
made of rubber and cushy thing
gently you undo.
famous guy meets deadline in three days
will feel strange next time he sees a mirror
will look away quickly.
fat kid will eat funyuns
exhaust a whole bag of it
will win nothing for this accomplishment.
air traffic controller
gets so tired
airplanes always going home
for someone.
this never to be spoken
never told
nor read
i've counted your bones
measured your name exactly
ran my tongue around the outline
of it
felt dirty.
i watched your face, your smiles
tiny muscular miracles
i made them happen.
hard to see in the dark
you underneath
sitting lonely in this airport
i feel allergic to changes
men in greying quietude.